It may seem like an odd choice, but September is the best time to purchase your new hot tub. Besides the obvious extremely relaxing experience of slowly melting into a luxurious spa on a cool fall evening, there are the cost savings.

Most hot tub retailers will see most customer traffic in the early to late spring. By September, it is time to offload various stock models to make way for the new additions. This is why September is perfect for getting a great hot tub at a great price for your indoor and outdoor settings.

Nothing says fall more than sitting in a hot tub while enjoying the changing leaves of the season and drinking some wine with a close friend or loved one.

Why get your hot tub now?

Relaxation is Vital to Your Health

Relaxation is vital for our health. It helps us lower stress levels and can boost our immune system, and even help us lose weight.

So whether you’re looking to find some peace of mind at the end of a day or just want to relax after a long workout, hot tubs are an excellent way to transform your stress levels.

Relaxation techniques such as meditation, biofeedback therapy, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can all be done in hot tubs with little preparation required before getting into the water.

Hot tub owners have found that these activities help alleviate symptoms associated with anxiety, depression, and insomnia – all common concerns among Americans today who face increasingly busy lives full of work commitments and other responsibilities like raising children or caring for aging relatives.


Hot Tubs are Comfortable in the Fall

The water temperature in your hot tub will start to get more comfortable as fall approaches. The air is cooler, so it feels warmer in the hot tub. In addition, the humidity is lower, and the nights are longer, which makes you want to stay in the hot tub longer.

If you are worried about heat loss between soaks, be sure to pick up a quality spa cover. The primary purpose of a spa cover is to keep heat in—and it does so by trapping air in and preventing heat from escaping through convection. Having a spa cover on will allow for about 10 percent more temperature increase than having one off. This means that if you usually run at 104°F (40°C), removing your cover could drop the temperature by as much as 14°F (8°C).

The right type of cover can also improve efficiency by reflecting sunlight back into the water instead of allowing it to escape through bubbles and steam vents like an open-top lid does!


September if Perfect Hot Tub Weather

Whether you’re single or married, a hot tub provides the perfect place to talk with your spouse or partner. It’s also a great place to reconnect and bond with family members—especially when they’re visiting from far away! Hot tubs are an excellent way to get your loved ones talking about important topics in an intimate setting.

Before you start worrying about Halloween costumes and Christmas presents, give the gift that keeps on giving all year round and talk to our experts at Hearthside Fireplace & Patio. We serve customers all over Rhode Island and Massachusetts with quality-made hot tubs perfect for that warm soak out on your patio on a cool September evening. One quick phone call could elevate your next relaxing evening, all from the comfort of your new hot tub.